$100.00 USD

ELEVATE! Science of Reading: From Evidence to Practice

**Includes Lifetime Access to the Content and Materials

*Sharing of login/access is strictly prohibited. Logins are tracked by IP addresses.

View/Download The Brochure: CLICK HERE

How confident are you in research-based reading instructional practices? What should science of reading look like in your classroom? Why should you use sound walls, structured literacy, and orthographic mapping to help students learn to read?

To answer these questions Elevate! Academy has launched a new, specialized course focused exclusively on the science of reading.

All this and more will be covered in this 10-module course by literacy experts and 2 of Elevate's featured presenters, Holly Ehle and Jake Daggett.

PLUS, for those that already have a vast knowledge of SOR practices and routines, each module will ALSO feature a Resource Hub with lesson templates and resources.

Here’s how it works: 

You will receive access to the entire 10-module course upon registration. 

Each module will include:

  • Lifetime access to the course
  • A 60 - 90 minute content presentation on a science of reading-related topic
  • Research Lab with videos, articles, or links that apply to the monthly topic
  • Resource Hub with lesson templates and digital resources when applicable 
  •  1 monthly live Q&A with Holly and Jake every third Thursday of the month
  • Access to an exclusive Facebook community group for questions, comments, and daily tips/resources from your community

 Interested in a school-wide license? The cost is $1,000 and your school will have life-time access to all the content contained within the course. To register for school-wide access, please CLICK HERE

How To Pay By PO: Click the following link and follow the step-by-step instructions. CLICK HERE