$100.00 USD

Elevate! Academy Science of Writing

Register for lifetime access to this 11-module course. 

All 11 Modules Include:

  • 60 - 120 Minute Training Video
  • Classroom Resources on that module's topic
  • Cited Research Articles
  • Monthly Live Q&A
  • Exclusive Online Community of Fellow Attendees
  • Monthly Lesson Planning Frameworks by Grade Level (Prek, K, 1st, & 2nd)
  • Certificate of completion for 14 contact hours

View/Download Full Brochure Click Here

You'll receive access to all 11 modules to work at your own pace. 

Additional Information:

How To Submit A PO For Individual Staff Members

How To Submit A PO for School-Wide License

Download Our W9

**Use a personal email address vs a school email because districts tend to block our emails about passwords, etc..

***Each person must have their own license to the course. Sharing access/credentials is strictly prohibited

What People Are Saying:

My children love the lessons. Now at the end of the year, just from those few lessons, their writing is so much stronger. I hear them saying things like - you need a who and a do. Thank you, I am a better teacher because of you and can wait to continue to learn with you this summer.

Amber Beutel

A HUGE thank you is in order for offering and providing the SOW course. I was thinking even though I didn't get chosen as a winner for the giveaways I already won by being able to participate in the course. I am already changing my classroom, engagement, and ways to implement SOR and SOW because of what I am learning. I appreciate all the hard work and effort that was put into rolling summer school out. I teach Pre-K, 3 to 5 year olds, so it was great to be included. Most of the time Pre-K is not included because we are unique and kind of don't fit the K-12 formula. In being a rural remote school and having no one similar to my classroom I much needed the engagement and connection I experienced.

Rebecca Tate

In my years of teaching Kinder, I have never really had a program to teach writing. In college we were taught about Writer’s Workshop and Kidwriting. But I have never felt like I was doing a great job. The difficult part for me has been not knowing what is an appropriate expectation for kinder kids, especially for those who don’t have the fine motor skills. In my personal experience, it has also not received the focus that reading and math have. I have always been trying to up my reading or math game. Science of Reading Academy and all that I have learned on Elevate has helped so much! Now I’m ready to up my writing game!

Mary Harriss

I have never loved teaching writing because I always struggle with teaching writing because the expectation is so high at the beginning of the year. I am so excited because you mentioned every one of my frustrations with teaching writing. I am now so excited and can not WAIT to learn more!

Michelle Hudson