What You'll Get:
- Unlimited On-Demand Access for over 90 days, June 1st - August 31st, of all pre-recorded sessions
- Certificate for 34 Contact Hours of Professional Development. Please be sure to ask your school district if they will accept it as Professional Development Credit Hours. We cannot guarantee that all school districts will do so.
- 34 Custom Content Sessions from amazing presenters, hand-selected by the Elevate! Team. They are mostly all current classroom teachers from pre-k through 2nd grade. They know their stuff and their content is applicable in TODAY'S classroom environment!! This is important when considering who you want to learn from!
- Discount Code from the TKS Online Store for 25% off all summer-long
- Exclusive Discounts & $10,000 in Giveaways from our sponsors
- Exclusive Free Downloads that can be used in your classroom right away!
- And MORE!!
USE YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL (not school). We've found school firewalls oftentimes block important access emails from us.
There are no refunds for this event.
How To Pay by PO -
We accept PO's for registrations of 3 or more teachers. Start by downloading our W-9 - Click Here. Next, get your PO created by your school/district. Finally, come back here with a digital copy of the PO to complete the PO Registration Request Form - Click Here
** Note payment for invoices received for your PO is due within 30 days. Non-payment will result in loss of access to the materials.
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